Orcharding and Related Courses
Courses run by MAN
Marcher Apple Network Grafting Session
Great news! The March 2025 MAN Grafting Course is confirmed.
We are pleased to announce that we will be running a grafting course on Saturday 8th March at Nash Village Hall (SY8 3AL) led by our own Wade Muggleton and Isabelle Harris.
The course will start at 10am and last 2 hours and will focus on apple grafting.
For those who are interested we will have lunch at a local pub.
Further details will be provided closer to the date.
We still have some places available so if you would like to attend, please email Gareth Kennard-Holden, the MAN Secretary, at secretary@marcherapple.net and give an estimate of number of root stocks you would want to graft.
Below are some links to other organisations who run training courses.
Tentatively we are planning a pruning session at Paramor Ty Glyn at the end of June to early July. Exact dates are weather dependent. We welcome volunteers and offer training. If interested please contact the secretary at secretary@marcherapple.net
Other Courses
Gloucestershire Orchard Trust
GOT are holding pruning, budding and grafting training events throughout the year.
Cider Making
Peter Mitchell, formerly of Core Food and Drink, gives courses on cider making. Full course details are available on his website.
The Pershore Group of Colleges
Pershore College, now part of Warwickshire College, advertise a number of courses. These include Amateur Fruit Juice and Cider Making, Commercial Apple Juice Production, Commercial Cider Production, Fruit Tree Pruning and Traditional Orchard Management. Tel 01386 551143/ 551224.
The Royal Horticultural Society runs events at Pershore College. Some of these events are relevant to orcharding such as the workshop Fruit Tree Pruning in November 2012. Note that these courses are open to non-members of the RHS (although the fees are then higher). For more information contact Pershore College, RHS Regional Centre, Avonbank, Pershore, Worcestershire WR10 3JP. Tel 01386 554609/ 552443.